Bot ToS

You must read the bot rules before using.

1. Don't disclose personal information. 2. Don't scam people. 3. Earning real money by trading in a bot is prohibited. 4. Don't use dangerous links. 5. Providing false information is prohibited. 6. Don't use bad or offensive words. 7. Don't transfer premium or non-premium points. 8. Transferring your B. Account to change information is prohibited. (Information: B. Plus) 9. Don't create a B. Account to transfer value to the main B. Account. 10. Don't create a B. Account to transfer value to the main B. Account. 11. Price change during the item purchase is prohibited. (Market System) 12. Stalking and spying on an user using bot is prohibited. 13. Don't use 16+ content. If you use it, add the "18+" icon. 14. Bot raids are prohibited.

By creating the B. Account, you agree to the rules described above and give us permission to use your data to improve our work and create new content.

If you break the rules, you will receive a punishment in the form of blocking from the bot.

Last updated