
Guide & Information

Create item

Step 1: Use !market and click Add.

Do not use personal information (Passwords, real name, age, ...).

Step 2: Enter item information.

Step 3: Enter Prices for everyone and for friends. (0 = Free)

Step 4: Click "Submit".

Step 5: Bot should send a message about the successful creation of the Item.

< onItemBuy > callback

This callback is used by B. Language by default. You can't turn it off.

< onItemBuy > notify you when your Item is being purchased.

!Only needed for FTS! For a refund for a wrong item.

Last Version: 2 (December, 1 2023) You can update Item version by deleting it and adding it again. (!ALL! information about the item will be deleted: reviews, creation date, number of purchases, boosts, ...)

Delete Item

Step 2: This will be deleted.

If you have accidentally deleted your item, you can try to return it. Use !support (Specify reason and Item ID). You cannot return Item if its version is out of date.

Global Marketplace

You can use !marketplace {page} or !marketplace.

The first two pages are sorted by the number of boosts.

Last updated