
Functions & Objects and Tags

With tag customization, you can create your own working tag!


< objectName >
< objectName:< parameter > >

(Tags support auto-moderation.)

If the value is not set, then the object will return "none".

List of Errors

❌ Error 397: Characters limit.

The output content must not be longer than 499 characters, and the tag name must not be longer than 50 characters.

❌ Error 394: Field is empty.

The output content must not be less than 5 characters, and the tag name must not be less than 4 characters.

❌ Error 320: This channel does't support< publishMessage >.

Works only in channels of type "announcement".

❌ Error 316: You need to have one of these perms for < verifySlash >: moderatemembers/admin

You must have permissions (admin/moderatemembers) on the server to use the < verifySlash > object.

❌ Error 189: Space limit.

The output content must not be longer than 49 lines.

Functions & Objects

< addObject:< edit > >

< addObject:< link > >

< addObject:< time > >

🔼 These objects use the "PUT" method

< allMembersCount >
< authorAvatarURL >
< authorID >
< authorIDOfReply >
< bannerColor >

< bannerColor:< authorID > >

< bannerColor:< authorIDOfReply > >

< bannerColor:< botID > >

< bannerColor:< botOwner > >

< bannerColor:< serverOwner > >
< botID >
< botInvite >
< botNode >
< botOwner >
< botPing >
< botUptime >
< botVersion >
< captchaCode >
< categoryCount >
< categoryID >
< channelCount >
< channelID >
< channelName >
< channelPosition >
< channelTopic >
< channelType >
< coins >
< color >
< commandsCount >
< creationDate >
< customStatus >

< customStatus:< authorID > >

< customStatus:< authorIDOfReply > >

< customStatus:< botID > >

< customStatus:< botOwner > >

< customStatus:< serverOwner > >
< getDay >

< getDay:< 1 > >

< getDay:< 2 > >
< emoji:< bdfd > >

< emoji:< like > >

< emoji:< dislike > >

< emoji:< friend > >
< emojiCount >
< getEmojis >
< getEscapes >
< getInviteLink >
< getMonth >

< getMonth:< 1 > >

< getMonth:< 2 > >
< getPerms >
< getRoles >
< getYear >
< guildID >
< guildIcon >
< guildLvl >
< guildName >
< guildRoleCount >
< guildRoles >
< guildUserCount >
< guildsCount >
< highestRole >

< highestRole:< color > >

< highestRole:< id > >

< highestRole:< name > >
< hour >

< hour:< 1 > >

< hour:< 2 > >
< hypesquad >

< hypesquad:< authorID > >

< hypesquad:< authorIDOfReply > >

< hypesquad:< botID > >

< hypesquad:< botOwner > >

< hypesquad:< serverOwner > >
< isAdmin >
< isMuted >

< isMuted:< authorID > >

< isMuted:< authorIDOfReply > >

< isMuted:< botID > >

< isMuted:< botOwner > >

< isMuted:< serverOwner > >
< isNSFW >
< isTicket >
< language >

< language:< 1 > >

< language:< 2 > >

< language:< 3 > >
< level >
< lowestRole >

< lowestRole:< color > >

< lowestRole:< id > >

< lowestRole:< name > >
< messageContent >
< messageID >
< minute >

< minute:< 1 > >

< minute:< 2 > >
< nickname >

< nickname:< authorID > >

< nickname:< authorIDOfReply > >

< nickname:< botID > >

< nickname:< botOwner > >

< nickname:< serverOwner > >
< nodePing >
< nodeVersion >
< publishMessage >

< publishMessage > Works only in channels of type "announcement".

< random >

< random:< 1 > >

< random:< 2 > >

< random:< 3 > >

< random:< 4 > >

< random >: 0-10 < random:< 1 > >: 0-10 < random:< 2 > >: 0-100 < random:< 3 > >: 0-1000 < random:< 4 > >: 0-10000

< randomColor >

🔼 This object uses API.

< randomRole >

< randomRole:< color > >

< randomRole:< id > >

< randomRole:< name > >
< removeObject:< avatar > >

< removeObject:< mention > >

< removeObject:< name > >

< removeObject:< reply > >

🔼 These objects use the "DELETE" method

< removeObjects >
< scriptColor >
< seconds >

< seconds:< 1 > >

< seconds:< 2 > >
< serverDescription >
< serverIcon >
< serverOwner >
< shardID >
< tagName >
< unixTime >
< userAvatar >

< userAvatar:< authorID > >

< userAvatar:< authorIDOfReply > >

< userAvatar:< botID > >

< userAvatar:< botOwner > >

< userAvatar:< serverOwner > >
< userBanner >

< userBanner:< authorID > >

< userBanner:< authorIDOfReply > >

< userBanner:< botID > >

< userBanner:< botOwner > >

< userBanner:< serverOwner > >
< userFlags >

< userFlags:< authorID > >

< userFlags:< authorIDOfReply > >

< userFlags:< botID > >

< userFlags:< botOwner > >

< userFlags:< serverOwner > >

🔼 Returns discord Badges

< userJoined >

< userJoined:< authorID > >

< userJoined:< authorIDOfReply > >

< userJoined:< botID > >

< userJoined:< botOwner > >

< userJoined:< serverOwner > >
< userNick >

< userNick:< authorID > >

< userNick:< authorIDOfReply > >

< userNick:< botID > >

< userNick:< botOwner > >

< userNick:< serverOwner > >

🔼 These objects use a system of "Custom nickname"

< userdisplay >

< userdisplay:< authorID > >

< userdisplay:< authorIDOfReply > >

< userdisplay:< botID > >

< userdisplay:< botOwner > >

< userdisplay:< serverOwner > >
< username >

< username:< authorID > >

< username:< authorIDOfReply > >

< username:< botID > >

< username:< botOwner > >

< username:< serverOwner > >
< usernameOfReply >
< verifySlash >

< verifySlash > works only for users with perms: moderatemembers/admin

< wikiLink >

Marketplace Version

< emoji:< boost > >
< itemBoost >
< itemBuyCount >
< itemCreated >
< itemDescription >
< itemDislike >
< itemFriendPrice >
< itemLike >
< itemName >
< itemNo >
< itemPrice >
< itemRating >
< itemVersion >
< itemVoters >

Boost Version

< boostCount >
< boostLevel >
< boostNeed >
< boostProgress >

< boostProgress:< 1 > >

< boostProgress:< 2 > >

< boostProgress:< 3 > >

Wikipedia Version

< wikiChannel >
< wikiGet:< 1 > >

< wikiGet:< 2 > >
< wikiPosts >

My Bot Version

< clientID >
< clientName >
< clientPrefix >
< clientStatus >


> Text






  "text":"Hello world"

[Hyperlink Text](Link)


User Mention: <@user_id> Nickname Mention: <@!user_id>

Role Mention: <@&role_id>

Channel Mention: <#channel_id>

Emoji Structure: <:emoji_name:emoji_id> Animated Emoji Structure: <a:emoji_name:emoji_id>

Slash Mention: </command_name:command_id>

Message Link: https://discord.com/channels/guild_id/channel_id}/message_id Invite Link: https://discord.gg/invite_code User Link: https://discord.com/users/user_id/


Output Input











Code Example

Step 1: Use !tags or #tags (For Support Commands) and choose "Create tag" Step 2: Enter these fields.




Rerutns author ID


My ID is < authorID >

Step 3: Click "Submit". Step 4: Use !tid or #id (For Support Commands)


!tlist !tags !tag !taglist !taboutme !taddserver !tads !talias !tallowedroles !tallowedusers !tallowmentions !tapp !tattempt !tav !tboost !tbooster !tboosterperks !tbotoff !tbotoffline !tbotofflineadvanced !tbstyle !tbdfderror !tbdfdbug !tcoj !toj !tonjoined !troleerror !trerror !tre !tperms !tperm !tnomusic !tmusic !tbot !tinfo !tbotinfo !tserverinfo !tserver

Last updated